Welcome to Fr. Seelos Council

Knights of Columbus 2878

Become a Knight

Use your QR code reader to follow this link. When you sign up using this form, your first year of membership is free.


Tootsie Roll can shake drive for the mentally handicapped citizens at Sam's Club.


Brother Knights Mike Case, Keith Gourgues, Rob Ripberger, Keith Hoffman, Perry Achee, Gerry Maza, Dan Guirovich, and Randy Carter shook cans and gave out candy outside of the Sam's Club on Airline Highway.  We raised almost $800 in just 8 hours.  Huge thanks to Sam's Club for letting us stand by the exit.


All proceeds collected go to support local facilities for our mentally handicapped citizens.


Thanks to Randy Carter for shifting our strategy and giving candy to everyone! It yielded great results. And, special thanks also goes to Rob Ripberger for securing Sam's Club for us.

Christmas Party


Our council hosted its annual Christmas Party on Saturday, December 9th


This year our council is teaming up with Tulane University's Facility Services Department to supply Christmas toys for the underprivileged and homeless children of our city. We collected many unwrapped gifts valued in the $10 to $20 range for either a boy or girl from ages 1 to 16 years old.


Blood Drive


Thanks to St.Edward the Confessor for hosting us for a Blood Drive for Ochsner.

BONCO Night.


A night of food, fun and prizes at our council hall. Cash prizes awarded for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd places, as well as, an award for the most Boncos and the Boobie Prize for the fewest games won.

Soccer Challenage at St. Edward the Confessor


Brother Knights John Francis, Perry Achee, Keith Gourges, Mike Case and Keith Hoffmann helped to organize this annual soccer challenage.  The winner will move on to District level competitions.

Family Day at St. Edward the Confessor


Brother Knights Jay Vallelungo, Mike Case, Perry Achee and Dan Kyrsh cooked and served 60 hamburgers and 100 hot dogs to parishioners who attened Family Day. 

Tootsie Roll can shake drive for the mentally handicapped citizens at Sam's Club.


Brother Knights Mike Case, Keith Gourgues, Rob Ripberger, Keith Hoffman, Brandon Breath, Perry Achee, Gerry Maza, Roy Dodson, Dan Kyrsh, and Randy Carter shook cans and gave out candy outside of the Sam's Club on Airline Highway.  We raised almost $1000 in just over 5 hours.  Huge thanks to Sam's Club for letting us stand by the exit.


All proceeds collected go to support local facilities for our mentally handicapped citizens.


Special shout out goes to Mike Case for getting the single biggest donation...a $50 bill! Thanks to Randy Carter for shifting our strategy and giving candy to everyone! It yielded great results. And, special thanks also goes to Rob Ripberger for securing Sam's Club for us.